September, 2001
From: Ken Abrahams
I have two home-built boats to get rid of. Boats are in Lake Charles, La. area.
Stealth is a 12' sloop, Stevenson Projects 'Wing Dinghy'. Sails nice, will
carry two or single hand. No trailer. Aluminum mast and boom. Cut down Hobie 14 main and H14 size jib. Not as fast as its rating so is difficult to be competitive in
Portsmouth racing. Similar in speed to Sunfish. Last offered at $400.

Anomaly is a 24' Skimmer Cat-Ketch. Large double berth in aft compartment, small galley and potty area in fwd. compartment. Center cockpit. It is a protected water type boat. The wings fold for trailering and open for stability when sailing. This wasn't effective and weight had to be added to the daggerboard. (100#) This makes the boat self righting but is still tender. Trailer is included (no title) and bearings are noisy. Motor is optional extra. Last offered at $1500 but will consider much less or a creative trade. (Travel traier???) A Skimmer bird is a bird that flies along the shore with its beak in the water feeding on small fish. I have seen them on the Galveston beach.

Ken Abrahams