Rocking and rolling Saturday morning, a whale-watching boat heads back to port. |
Captain waits for just the right moment to throttle in through rock-lined gap. |
Going for it! Rock-lined channel is narrow and twisting, with highway bridge above. |
Inside the Bay, all is calm, protected from storms by that tricky, 'hole in the wall' gap. |
The calm and cozy Bay is home to a youth rowing club and other water activities. |
On the outside shore, the town overlooks a raging Saturday sea. |
'Ginger', a 23-foot, raised-deck cruiser with electric propulsion. |
Bill Storch (centre) and his Chamberlin dory skiff. |
Harvey Golden showed three of 34 replica Inuit hunting kayaks he's built -- all different! |
Harvey Golden practices his vast repertoire of competitive kayak rolls. |
Harvey often travels to Greenland both to research kayak types and to compete. |
If memory serves, this is Michael Rood's 18-ft.
fishing skiff with graphite-coated bottom. |
Dryland display (well, mostly dry on Saturday), with RCMP's 31-ft., fibreglass replica of a Northwest native canoe on left. |
Dave & Linda Ward's 16-ft. daysailer 'Wayward I', designed by Ian Proctor. |
The Wards built 'Wayward I' from a Wayfarer kit bought in Cobble Hill, B.C. |
Air-cooled engine in Jim Cooper's 'Brenda Sue' is from a lawn tractor. |
Engine cover propped open on this 16-ft., lapstrake
skiff. |
'Microwave' is a glued-lapstrake sailing dinghy built by Bob Larkin to Ian Oughtred's Acorn 8 design. |
Some of boats in floating display at 2001 Depoe Bay festival. |
Jamie Orr talks to Terry Lesh about Terry's 'Windance', a 12-ft. sailing camp cruiser. |
Everyone used same dory in Saturday's against-the-clock rowing race.
Jamie Orr crosses finsih line just 10 seconds off best time to that point. |
For $150 and much elbow grease, Bryn Thoms got himself this beautiful Gloucester Gull dory, designed by Phil Bolger. |
Bryn Thoms gets extra marks for neatness in his
Gloucester Gull presentation. |
Ray Heater displayed Rogue- and McKenzie-style drift boats. |
Jamie Orr gives some kids a sail but heeds Coast Guard advice not to venture to sea beyond bridge. |
A cedar-strip kayak and paddle. Now that's art! |
Boating idyll features cat ketch 'Wayward Lass', built and sailed by Jamie Orr.
Designed by Phil Bolger, Jamie's 20-ft. Chebacco is stitch-seamed. |
John Kohnen with 'Pickle', a 15-ft. footloose sailing skiff. |
Detail of 'Pickle', built by Louie Brochetti to a design by Warren Jordan. |
More 'Pickle' |
Harvey Golden's skin-covered Inuit hunting kayaks and Greenland paddles. |
Beauty and comfort in a strip built canoe. |
Carved transom on Einar Skovbo's pram brings a lovely end to our Depoe Bay Festival visit. For more views, go to
Larry Barker's website. |