Das Box
by Michael Surface msurface@hotmail.com

Finishing Das Box
There is a saying that the closer you get to the end of a
project the longer it takes, in the case of boat building this is so true. In little less
than a week I had basically completed the major structural parts of Das Box. All I needed
to do was to add the knees, leeboard mount, and the bottom rub strips and the hull would
be done. I had added a little extra complexity by making a longitudinal seat similar to
the one used by the Tortoise. I would also need to make the leeboard and rudder (I planned
to modify the rudder design so it would be a drop down design) and the mast and sail. An
additional distraction was that the summer break was over so back to work. This meant that
I could only work on the boat during the weekend.
Week of July 10th Tuesday July 11, 2000 removed drywall screws
from bow and replaced with galvanized roofing nails
Thursday July 12, 2000 cutout leeboard mounting pieces
Saturday July 15, 2000 sanded boat
Sunday July 16, 2000 mounted port knees
Week of July 17th
Tuesday July 18, 2000 painted port side with epoxy
Week of July 24th
Tuesday July 25, 2000 ordered one gallon of Clear Coat Epoxy
from RAKA
Friday July 28, 2000 build longitudinal seat
Sunday July 30, 2000 finished starboard side knees, leaboard and
mast step
Week of August 31
Friday August 4, 2000 cutout rudder, leeboard, rubstrips, and
Week of August 7th
Friday August 11, 2000 put on rubstrips
Saturday August 12, 2000 painted outside with epoxy
Sunday August 13, 2000 painted part of interior with epoxy
Week of August 14th
Tuesday August 15, 2000 finished painting interior of boat with
Wednesday August 16, 2000 painted longitudinal seat port side
with epoxy
Thursday August 17, 2000 bought 7 foot oars, installed oarlocks,
painted top and starboard side of longitudinal seat with epoxy, and put name (Das Box) on
Friday August 18, 2000 loaded Das Box p to take to Michigan for
Third Annual Great Lakes Small Craft Symposium
Saturday August 19, 2000 at the Third Annual Great Lakes Small
Craft Symposium
The Launching!